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First Aid Training for Vulnerable Groups



B1_Disaster 2

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Dedicated to advancing the principle of "First Aid for All", the Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC) has been actively conducting a diverse range of training courses. Childhood, adulthood, elderhood – literally at any stage of life, accidents occur the way they have to. As such, the acquisition of First Aid knowledge has nothing to do with age and social background, but rather a universal means to secure the life of oneself as well as people who are in need around.


HKRC provides free first aid courses for elderly, hearing and speech impaired, mild mentally retarded, low-income and ethnic minorities, we aspire to encourage vulnerable groups in learning and applying first aid knowledge for good causes, increasing their health, safety and environmental awareness.


One time, Ling ran into a person suffering dizziness on the street. Incapable of helping, Ling soon realized the importance of First Aid. However, it wasn't easy for an auditory and verbally impaired person like Ling to learn First Aid. Although she has registered in regular First Aid courses, she struggled to follow the classes and ended up failing the examination. She enrolled in the standard first Aid certificate course for the audibly and verbally impaired, run by the Hong Kong Red Cross. She was introduced to proper treatments and finally got her First Aid Certificate. It was not only a recognition of Ling's ability, but also an encouragement for her to help others with it.


Your support can equip more people with necessary knowledge and skills in first aid, empowering them to effectively respond to emergencies and provide assistance to both themselves and others in need.

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