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Mobility Equipment Loan Service



C6_Community Health

Fundraising Target


Diseases can come suddenly! After experiencing severe pain, the recipient, Grandma Tam, was diagnosed with a displaced spine and nerve compression caused by bone spurs, resulting in overall body pain and an inability to walk. Even daily activities became extremely difficult, let alone going to the hospital for treatment. She remembered how her mother had an accidental fall before, and her husband had borrowed a wheelchair from the Hong Kong Red Cross when he had a back injury. Immediately, she contacted us seeking assistance. We promptly arranged a suitable wheelchair for her. With the wheelchair, Grandma Tam not only found it more convenient for follow-up appointments but also could go out with her mother and husband, relieving worries for herself and her family.


The "Mobile Equipment Loan Service" was established in 1975 to provide mobility equipment loan service to the sick and temporarily disabled at a nominal rate through their recovery period, alleviating their financial burden and reducing the stress on family members. We also offer "Door to Door Delivery Service" for different service users in need, solving the transportation issues.


Your support can help eligible elderly singletons or doubletons and low-income persons by waiving equipment delivery fees and/or rental charges, allowing those who are suffering from illnesses or disabilities to regain mobility.

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