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Joyful V Project



C4_Community Health

Fundraising Target


To address the challenges faced by retirees in adapting to retirement life, such as social disconnection and a loss of identity, HKRC launches the "Joyful V" project. This initiative aims to promote the well-being of retirees by offering training programs and social services. These include developing effective communication skills, applying positive psychology principles, and teaching elderly exercise techniques. Through participating in the project, retirees not only gain new skills and knowledge but also can serve older individuals residing in elderly homes with utilizing those knowledge.


The Joyful V Project empowers elderly volunteers by utilizing their life experiences and wisdom to serve others. Through training, seniors learn service skills to assist those in need. Retirees in Hong Kong often face stress and worry about adapting to post-retirement life, while elderly care home residents experience poor mental health, exacerbated by the pandemic. To address these issues, positive psychology was introduced, improving the happiness of both elderly volunteers and care home residents.


This year, the project focuses on therapeutic reminiscence. Participants receive training and visit care homes to provide care based on their knowledge. Individual visit activities are organized for residents with busy family members who find it challenging to visit regularly. Additionally, the project acknowledges that many care home residents have children who have immigrated abroad, resulting in extended periods without family visits.


The Joyful V Project enables senior volunteers to help others while enriching their own lives. These volunteers actively contribute to activity planning, utilizing their talents and enjoying a positive and fulfilling retirement.

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