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Youth Mental Health and Emotional Support Service



C3_Community Health

Fundraising Target


Given the rapidly changing environment in Hong Kong, youth face numerous challenges on their journey to adulthood, particularly in terms of mental health. The Hong Kong Red Cross has always been highly concerned about the growth and development of teenagers and has specially designed relevant programs and services, including the "Feel the Heart" and "Youth to Talk."


“ Orientation on Psychological First Aid” (e-learning)

This course is designed for people who are junior secondary schools or above, aiming to enhance the ability of individuals and peers to support each other. The course covers the concepts and core principles of psychological first aid, discusses stress reactions and impacts caused by critical incidents, and enables participants to identify appropriate support. The course includes examples and interactive games of applying psychological first aid, making it easier for participants to grasp the knowledge of psychological first aid.


“Feel the Heart”

The “Feel the Heart” program aims to provide training to youth workers, individuals preparing to work with youth, and parents. The program cultivates their lay counseling skills, including empathy, supportive communication techniques, and sharing relevant information. This enables them to assist the youth in recognizing and managing their emotions, and making well-considered decisions for themselves.


“Youth to Talk”

Youth who have experienced or witnessed emergencies and serious incidents such as accidents, bullying, violence, loss of significant relationships, family changes, or major life transitions may face mental stress and emotional distress. “Youth to Talk” offers short-term psychological counseling primarily focused on emotional support and goal-oriented guidance. The service is provided by registered psychologists and volunteers who have completed psychological first aid training. The services include one-on-one counseling, online or telephone support, and are completely free of charge.

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