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Thank you for supporting "5.8 Charity Day"!


You can choose the following donation methods to donate to the service projects:


1. Cheque
Please make your cheque payable to the "Hong Kong Red Cross" and mail it together with the completed donation form ( MS Word format / PDF format ) to us for a donation receipt. Please mark "5.8 Charity Day" on the envelope.


2. Direct transfer to the Hong Kong Red Cross Account "Hong Kong Red Cross"

  • HSBC                                500-334149-009
  • Hang Seng Bank          388-553950-001
  • Bank of East Asia         015-514-10-401122-1
  • BOC(HK)                          012-806-00028173

Please mail the original bank pay-in-slip together with the completed donation form ( MS Word format / PDF format ) to us for a donation receipt. Please mark "5.8 Charity Day" on the envelope.


3. Credit Card
Please mail the completed donation form ( MS Word format / PDF format ) to us for a donation receipt. Please mark "5.8 Charity Day" on the envelope.


4. 7-Eleven Outlets
You can make cash donations via any outlet of 7-Eleven. Please mail us the original cash donation receipt together with the completed donation form ( MS Word format / PDF format ). Please mark "5.8 Charity Day" on the envelope.


You can also make a general donation here. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to leave a message and contact us.


Communications and Resource Development Department

2802 0016
2802 0017

Online Enquiry

Please complete the following information

* Compulsory fields


Hong Kong Red Cross (“HKRC”) undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data obtained are accurate and securely kept. To safeguard interest of our data subject, HKRC collects personal data from you for the purposes of administration, receipt issuing and other promotion activities (as defined below).

HKRC may use the personal data you provided (including your name and contact details) for the purposes of providing you with information of HKRC, donation follow up, communications & promotion activities. Your personal data may be provided to third party service provider (outside HKRC) who provides data handling for administration and marketing purposes. However, we will not use your personal data unless we have received your consent. Upon your request at any time and at no charge, we will cease to use your personal data for promotion purposes. Please contact our Donation Hotline at 2802 0016 for enquiry or any updating of your personal data.

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